Ayurveda has classified all bodily constituents into three categories:
1. Doshas: The Humors | 2. Dhatus: The Tissues | 3. Malas: The Waste Material
Doshas: There are three principle humors of the body. They are the primary life forces, which determine the life processes of growth and decay during the entire life span. The TRIDOSHAS are Vata, Pitta and Kapha

It corresponds primarily to the element of air. It is responsible for all the movements in the body and is the motivating force behind the other two Doshas, which are incapable of movement without it. It also governs our sensory and mental balance and orientation, and promotes mental adaptability and comprehension.

It corresponds primarily to the element of fire. It is responsible for all the chemical and metabolic processes in the body, mainly digestion. It also governs complexion, vision and intellect.

It corresponds primarily to the element of water. It provides substance and makes up the bulk of our bodily tissues. It also provides strength, stability and support to the body tissues.
These are the structural components of the body, which are 7 in number. The most important function of this group to give maximum support and strength to the body.
These are the waste products that are constantly eliminated from the body. The three Malas are Sweda (sweat), Mootra (urine) and Purisha (faeces). Also, there are some subtle Malas that are eliminated from the eyes, ear, nose, mouth etc.
It is the vital digestive fire, which is central to health and responsible for appetite, digestion and assimilation.
Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space are fundamental energies derived from the cosmos.
They are the channels through which the nutritional constituents are carried to the Dhatus and excretory substances are eliminated.